
Is the Legacy Media Trying to Cover for Pedophiles?.mp3

Speaker 3
00:02:03 Recently there seems to be a trend in the legacy media to bury or even delete stories related to pedophile arrests, like this story about the pedophile ring in Norway that involved 47 people so far and included members of the elite lawyers and politicians. Not only was this story scrubbed from the Washington Post, ABC News New York Times.
00:00:20 The New York Times also published A conspiracy theory claiming that a new trick of the Russians, the you know, the same Russian as the legacy media, will tell you, run our new site blackpill.com and the same Russians.
00:00:32 The legacy media blames for the election results are now going around planting child **** on people's computers.
00:00:40 In addition to promoting this conspiracy theory, perhaps to prepare the public to accept the idea that even finding child **** on someone's computer could be explained away by blaming the Russians, some media outlets are even beginning to publish stories sympathetic to pedophiles in what seems like an effort to remove the stigma of pedophilia.
00:01:00 One of Legacy media's aging stars, Stephen Colbert, took to the airwaves to mock people that have an interest or are participating in the controversial pizza.
00:01:09 Getting investigation, of course.
00:01:11 Colbert never directly addresses any of the facts, nor does he disclose that in an e-mail released by WikiLeaks it was revealed that he takes marching.
00:01:19 Orders from Craig.
00:01:20 Vassian, who works for the Clinton Foundation in an e-mail dated April 10th, 2013, Minassian emailed John Podesta to ask him if he'd had a chance to see the two special episodes he'd had them do about the Clinton Global Initiative. You know this episode.
00:01:39 I assume that many.
Speaker 2
00:01:40 Of you in this room are here for the Clinton Global Initiative University.
Speaker 3
00:01:44 The entire episode was one big PR stunt to promote the Clintons various foundations.
Speaker 2
00:01:51 You started the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Health Access initiative, the Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative, the Clinton Climate initiative and more that I can't.
00:02:01 Fit here.
Speaker 3
00:02:02 They managed to.
00:02:02 Work in a commercial for Twitter.
Speaker 2
00:02:05 Would you like to break into the 21st century right now?
00:02:08 And send your first tweet.
Speaker 3
00:02:10 Because when it comes to legacy.
00:02:12 Media, even their fake.
00:02:13 News is fake.
00:02:15 How's that for some truthiness, Steve?
00:02:18 These false accusations of fake news are an all out attack on free speech and are being used as an excuse to censor.
00:02:25 The Internet and they know better than anyone that information is.
00:02:28 Power and now that power is yours.
00:02:34 If you like our videos, please.
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00:02:39 Our other videos.
00:02:41 Does devonia.